DIY Vapor Blaster Plans
Don't buy a retail vapor blaster when you can save thousands of dollars building your own. These video plans walk you through the building process step by step and are the most detailed and complete available.

Before Vapor Blasting
40 years of corrosion! Yuck!

After Vapor Blasting
This machine will make your parts look brand new. Every time!
HF Open and Closed Loop Plans
The easiest and most cost effective solution is to convert a Harbor Freight (or any other steel dry blast cabinet) into a vapor blaster. These can be found used for as little as $100 used or over $200 new.
Open vs. Closed Loop
Open loop requires water hookup to a garden hose or any other water source. As the machine fills up, water must be purged and disposed of. Machine works best when water source and drain is easy to access. Open loop machine pictured below on left.
Closed loop has a self contained water source and does not require a water hookup. Purged water is contained in filter boxes next to the machine and there is an on demand pump that supplies the machine for rinse hose and window rinse. Machine works best when no water hookup or drain is accessible.
Cost to build is anywhere from $550-$1800, depending on what features you add on to it.

Wood Plans - Closed Loop
I quickly outgrew the HF cabinet, and could not find a larger steel dry blast cabinet to convert that was reasonably priced. So, I designed one out of wood! Yes it is strong and waterproof! Best of all it can also quickly convert to DRY BLAST as well. This is truly a one of kind cabinet design that can do it all! Also note that is has a compact footprint. The closed loop system is located under the machine, not off to the side that takes up space. Control box and vent is located on top to also conserve space.

Not sure which machine to build? Or want to build several? Plans can be BUNDLED. I should mention that the WOOD version is a much cleaner design, and the parts list will save you money and time during the build process. ALL PLANS include every I have on vapor blasting.